Monday, December 4, 2023

BLOG POST #10: In the Age of AI

Artificial intelligence is a term that has been around for quite some time and has been a concept that has been greatly anticipated, and today society is facing it's rapid rise. There is no area of life that is safe from the incorporation of AI as it is visibly becoming a global marvel infiltrating every industry. 

In my previous knowledge of AI, I saw it as a very black and white matter, in which I thought of AI to only be a tool for individuals to use as a means of assistance, however the documentary, In the Age of AI has vastly changed my perception of AI. The manner in which every industry is finding ways to use AI and dispose of human roles in the work place is quite alarming, as the priority of the workplace has become efficiency with no regard to the role of humans. Computer scientist, Jerry Kaplan brought to light issues of AI being a driving force in inequality for Americans as opportunities are being taken by AI rather than citizens. This has posed a moral issue as to what is more important for individuals who are pushing for AI, is capital more important or society more important?

Another concept I  found to be fascinating was Shoshana Zuboff's concept, surveillance capitalism ,which highlights the societal shift from industrial capitalism to a new form of capitalism. At the basis of understanding this concept, one must shift their previous perceptions of the relationship between social media and a person. Zuboff challenges the idea of individuals merely using social media as she offers the insight that these platforms are using their users as apps to collect endless data on each person.  

Industrial capitalism highlights the component of labor and how it generates capital, however now there is the growing issue in which "private human experiences"(Zuboff), are being translated into free concepts. In addition to labor becoming free through AI, there are scandals that have risen consisting of the violation of privacy through AI as well as attempts to manipulate the public's views using AI, such as during the Cambridge Analytica scandal. During this scandal, Facebook compromised 87 million Facebook user's information in which the company, Cambridge Analytica would then delve into in order to establish ways to politically influence people. 

Applying what we know about human experiences being monetized and dissected on top of scandals that have unfolded as a result of these actions has cause me to be opposed to the vast incorporation of AI. Not to say AI does not have its positives, however, I think it is crucial for the public to push for boundaries regarding AI before it takes over all roles in society. 


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