Monday, October 30, 2023

History of the Supreme Court

    The United States Supreme Court serves as a vital component of our government as they protect and uphold the values of the Constitution. It is important to be aware of the role the Supreme Court serves,  as they hold the power to strike down rulings from the President and Congress. The ability of the Supreme Court to carry out these actions exemplifies their role in the system of checks and balances preventing a branch of government from getting too powerful. 
     As a student, I hold a general understanding of the Supreme Court, however there were various aspects of the inner workings of dynamics between Supreme Court Justice's I had never took into consideration. Often times, each Supreme Court Justice holds varying philosophical views which in return can create varying interpretations of the Constitution. Something I was not aware of until watching the Supreme Court video was the amount of cases that are submitted to them that can be up to 7,000 a week. In addition, I was educated on the manner in which the court goes about considering cases, as there are times they take into considerations one that may being pushed by the public.
    After having watched videos and reading the article I feel the most important takeaway of the Supreme Court is the role they play in defending our freedom, as this is more crucial than ever today. For example, a current case that exemplifies the need for the Supreme Court to uphold our Constitutional rights, in this case the First amendment, is the Murthy v. Missouri case. This case is currently pending in the Supreme Court and has to do with speech being limited and censored on social media in regards to COVID-19. 
    The most surprising thing I learned was the responsibility the Chief Justice holds. Responsibilities I learned the Chief Justice holds include establishing the weekly agenda and overseeing impeach trials against the President of the United States. As a whole, the video caused me to realize the high amount of moving parts that the Supreme Court consists of.

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