Wednesday, October 25, 2023

My Top 5 News Sources

Now more than ever, society is engulfed by online media in which there is an overflow of sources and in return opinions. As a result, it is one’s duty to do their part in having a variety of news sources when educating oneself on what is unfolding in the world today. By using more than one media source to become informed, one is able to acquire a variety of perspectives which allows one to form their own opinion. News outlets often take one the role of delivering information in a certain light versus giving

Tik Tok

Within Tik Tok various news outlets have accounts they are active on in which they share video clips of current events taking place. I find myself using Tik Tok to learn about current events when I am in a rush or in between tasks. Tik Tok is a video platform, hence, any news information is portrayed through videos that normally range from 1-3 minutes, making it a very quick way to receive information. In addition to news outlets being present on the app, the public is able to post content as well, giving ordinary citizen's a way to be heard and reach millions. Tik Tok is intersting when acting as a news source as it uses an algorithm to provide your feed with content, allowing new organizations to reach you. 

 Fox News

This outlet is my most commonly visited news platform as the apple news app allows users to flag news outlets in which I have Fox news flagged. As a result of having flagged this platform, I constantly receive news updates and alerts on new stories being released. Fox News is national news organization that covers news about national and international information pertaining to politics, sports, lifestyle, entertainment, and more. An important aspect to note about Fox News is they are known to lean towards the right, and take on Conservative view points when it comes to their take on events. The specific core values Fox news focuses on implementing in their journalism are the, "principles of free people, free markets and diversity of thought", as is stated in their biography.

The Daily (podcast)

The Daily is a 20 minute podcast series that airs five days a week at 6am brought to the public by The New York Times. The Daily is hosted by journalists, Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise who share news stories they deem to be the most relevant and note worthy of the day. I personally listen to the daily as a part of my morning routine, as it allows me to multitask while still becoming informed on current matters. An aspect that I appreciat about The Daily is having news be told consistently by those who have been in the field of journalism for so long; therefore allowing current instances to be put into perspective to past occurrences.

The Hustle is a platform one of my former Marketing professors recommended to me about 2 years ago, and it has stuck with me ever since. The Hustle is a news letter that is considered a 5 minute read that discusses news in the field of business and tech. This news platform is much more specific as it is aimed to provide updates to these ever changing fields. As someone who is preparing to graduate, this platform allows me to stay in the loop on ways certain opportunities are being shaped by rapid rising phenomenons such as AI.   

NBC News

NBC News is a national news company who delivers media across the nation about nationwide and international affairs. NBC is commonly known for their objective form of journalism and broadcasting in comparison to other media sources today. NBC news offers a variety of news content as they provide articles, videos, and interviews that allow one the opportunity to select their preferred medium. I often use NBC to balance out my news choices as I want to be mindful of other platforms portraying information through certain lenses.

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